The world is constantly evolving as technological advancements are soaring, and our level of need to know is becoming more and more. This advancement in technology means there is a need for advancement in our military systems. They must stay one step ahead of those that are civilians. This means that their research and development team has to be on point. As we move into the next level of technology, new ideas and projects will come to light. We thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of the top 10 military technology key trends or trends that are affecting the defense industry today. Let’s get started.
1-Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, from our smartphones telling us what we want to type to autocorrect. We have devices that can make our homes smart, our televisions are now smart, and there are smart appliances and cars. AI is something that has been around for quite some time. However, if you were around when the first cell phones came out with that technology, you were probably “ducking” around with the rest of us.
As this technology advances, we can now use text to type without annoying misspellings and corrections as often as they once were. However, it is still AI. But, you can bet that the AI on the military level is much more advanced than what we all carry around in our pockets. The AI of the military operating systems will be used in various settings such as submarines, unmanned aircraft, the replacement of soldiers to save lives, and so much more. While there are still some things that only a human can do, the AI world is opening up a world of possibilities.
2-Advancement in Defense Equipment

While AI is found in just about every aspect of life, you can expect to find it in every aspect of the military. This means that we will see advancements in our defense equipment. However, it isn’t just due to AI, there are many very cool things that will be coming to light as well, or shall we say, hidden from the light?
The defense team of the military has always been top-notch advanced when it comes to technology. Their job, after all, is to keep one step ahead of what most civilians have access to. While we now live in an age where everything is recorded somewhere, with satellite imagery and video cameras everywhere, you can bet that the military is on top of everything. They want to have equipment that leaves little to no footprint, both in a digital sense and electromagnetic.
Going undetected is essential when speaking about the military and defense equipment; don’t worry, they have some great tricks up their sleeves. Let’s discuss some of these in a little more detail, shall we?
3-Plasma Protection Field

Have you watched movies and seen that dome that would pop up and protect the good guys from incoming bullets, bombs, and other shrapnel? You would probably envision that with a plasma protection field, and you would be correct. Boeing has filed a patient that would create such a field that would be there to stop everything from hitting the tanks and troops.
4-Invisibility From a Squid
The modern camouflage that is used on soldiers and vehicles may be able to disguise them from human sight, but it is almost entirely worthless against infrared vision equipment. Using the same structural protein that common squid use to change the reflectivity and color of their skin, we are working to solve this problem by developing something they call “invisibility patches.” These patches will be made up of the same structural protein.
The most significant promise of this protein lies in its ability to form reflection. This protein can work on the same wavelength that the night vision systems work on. Pretty cool, huh? On the other hand, it might be a few decades before this information is put to use by the military. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy because the technology involved is genuinely remarkable.
5-Unmanned Submarine Hunter

The number of countries stockpiling ultra-quiet submarines, which can remain undetected even when operating close to land, continues to rise. The Department of Defense has officials concerned about this potential. This submarine hunter has gotten the name of Sea Hunter.
Imagine it as a drone that operates on the ocean and can hunt submarines for long periods, even months, without anyone on board the vessel needing to change watches. We are working on technology that will allow just that! The Autonomous Combat Terrain Unmanned Vehicle (ACTUV) will be able to navigate through crowded shipping lanes and other obstacles on its own since it will be equipped with sonar, radar, and different sorts of synthetic vision technologies.

While lasers are a broad trend and used for various things these days, they are also used in the military as a defense. The lasers can be used to cut holes into the sides of buildings and other military craft but also are being studied to help disintegrate bombs and other weapons. Cutting and catching things on fire is something that the military is making into reality. That leads us to the next advancement, satellite hunting
7-Satelite Hunting

Remove an enemy satellite by what means? It should be melted. The military is working on developing a satellite that can track and hunt down an enemy’s defense satellite. Assuming everything goes according to plan, a sunbeam reflecting off the enemy satellite will heat it to a temperature high enough to cause it to fall out of orbit and explode upon re-entry into the upper stratosphere over weeks.
In the sky, it won’t look like a spectacular explosion. It’s unlikely that anyone will even notice. That’s the plan anyway.
8-Extra Stealthy Bomber

Even though it’s just a concept, the next-generation Long-Range Strike Bomber is already in the research phase. Long-term progress of these digital models is expected. An extensive list of Northrop Grumman suppliers, defense contractors, and engineering firms will see benefits in their business outcomes.
The aircraft must be completely undetectable, travel at a fast rate of speed, and be able to carry a significant amount of bomb cargo. In the long run, it will replace the outdated B-52 aircraft and add to the modest number of B-2 stealth bombers already in service. Using toughened reflecting material, the bomber’s airframe will have stealthy skin that can change color to reflect the surrounding environment. According to the concept art, the plane will be blue during the day, white during cloud cover, and black at night. Precision gyroscopes of the highest military quality will also be used for the bomber’s guiding.
9-Cyber Warfare and Computer Analytics

Cyberattacks can frequently compromise the security of military networks, which could result in the disclosure of sensitive military data and the malfunctioning or destruction of military hardware. Both the frequency of cyberattacks and the severity of those attacks have progressively risen throughout the past few years. The prescriptive security technology utilizes cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and automation to detect and stop possible threats before they impact our military’s networks. Significant areas of emphasis include:
- Protecting connected military equipment.
- Providing cyber security for important defense organizations.
- Ensuring the safety of nuclear materials.
In addition, militaries are working on the development of offensive cyber warfare capabilities, which can range from malware and ransomware attacks to phishing scams.
Information and the capacity to gain insights from it will be increasingly crucial to the conduct of combat in the foreseeable future. Armed forces who can first extract the most critical data, then precisely evaluate that data, and then quickly and securely disseminate the information will have a strategic advantage.
Big data analytics and digital twins help achieve this goal by releasing insights hidden inside the many data sources. Among the many quantum computing uses are cryptanalysis, edge computing, and running simulations. This will reduce the risk of danger while simultaneously enhancing the safety and productivity of potentially hazardous activities.
10-Self-Steering Bullets

Because it is loaded with tiny sensors, the.50-caliber bullet that is now being developed can rapidly alter its trajectory while in flight. This may give even a less-than-stellar marksman the ability to hit moving targets relatively quickly.
In addition, the cost of these cutting-edge projectiles is unknown; nevertheless, they will undoubtedly be less expensive than the rocket-powered missiles they may replace at some point. Currently, there isn’t much information about this being discussed, as you might expect, as the military doesn’t want their secrets out. However, this could change the way our military does warfare soon.
While we have mentioned ten sectors that trend in technology for the military, there are quite a few more digital transformations and intelligent devices in the defense industry. Some of the technology is a technology that we see and experience in civilian life, such as those working from home, the office sector, computer advancements, and computer technology overall. There are advancements in GPS technology, and Wi-Fi is becoming more of a norm than ever before. All of these advancements will be utilized in the military as well as those mentioned.